Locating High-Density Residences
Location is critical when creating a high-density residential development. It should be located within or adjacent to established areas (e.g., the Bay View Phase II in Suttons Bay is a logical extension of existing infrastructure by tying a new development into the existing pattern). In urban settings, pre-existing patterns of land division and building provide a framework for infill development as well as the extension of infrastructure to adjacent parcels. This location also facilitates the inclusion of mixed uses within the development because there is a sufficient number of residents to support business establishments. Refer to Mixed-Use Developments for additional information.

Whenever possible, local jurisdictions should encourage the renovation of existing structures for high-density residential use. Adapting and reusing the built environment (e.g., strip malls, office buildings) helps preserve the character of communities by reviving under-utilized areas, and protecting open space on the urban fringe and beyond. It also helps reduce sprawl, traffic, and congestion by encouraging development in areas with convenient and safe public transportation and bike lanes. Refer to Critical Design Practices for additional information.



Midtown and River's Edge, Traverse City, Grand Traverse Coiunty


Infill high-density residential development, Traverse City, Grand Traverse County